Deficiency Symptoms

Did you know…

  • Stress can be caused in anyone by limiting their CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM intake.

  • Nerve and muscular spasms can be caused by a CALCIUM deficiency.

  • Restless legs or “Charley Horses” can be caused by a deficiency of both CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • Being a basic building block, CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM are vital for all connective tissue, which includes collagen.

  • Nervous tension and irritability can be caused by a shortage of CALCIUM.

  • Our bones mainly consist of CALCIUM.

  • Dental problems are majorly caused by CALCIUM deficiencies.

  • CALCIUM is vital in any healing process.

  • The cell walls need CALCIUM to help the immune system.

  • CALCIUM is a natural pain killer.

  • Hyperactivity and hypoactivity can be relieved with CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM keep the nerves smoothed out.

  • MAGNESIUM coats the nerve ends – the reason that a deficiency causes jumpiness.

  • CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM are vital for healthy skin, hair and nails.

  • CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM help prevent sore muscles.

  • Arthritic pain can be relieved with CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • MAGNESIUM is a prime factor in the digestive process.

  • Muscle cramps and spasms can be caused by a deficiency of CALCIUM.

  • CALCIUM taken alone will tend to just pull MAGNESIUM from your body and, vice versa, MAGNESIUM taken alone will pull CALCIUM from your body, causing deficiencies.

  • Sunburn symptoms can be relieved with CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM help relieve hangovers.

  • Teething pain can be relieved with CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • Colic, spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome can be caused by a deficiency of CALCIUM.

  • Low CALCIUM levels are not detectable through blood tests.

  • Fevers can be reduced with CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • CALCIUM helps prevent osteoporosis.

  • MAGNESIUM helps alleviate constipation.

  • MAGNESIUM is a prime factor in controlling blood cholesterol.

  • CALCIUM keeps your heart beating regularly.

  • CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM helps you sleep better.

  • MAGNESIUM is important for converting blood sugar into energy, vital for diabetics.

  • Depression can be caused by a deficiency in MAGNESIUM.

  • CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM are important factors in diabetes.

  • Pre-menstrual tension can be alleviated with CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • CALCIUM deficiencies are a prime factor in mood swings before and during menstruation.

  • Menopausal difficulties can be caused by a deficiency of CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

  • Certain stones that form in the kidneys, etc., do so due to a MAGNESIUM deficiency.

  • CALCIUM is needed for your blood to clot. This is important especially during childbirth.

  • Most people show signs of CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM deficiencies.

  • CALCIUM must be taken with MAGNESIUM in a specific ratio.

  • Instant CalMag-C CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM supplement provides both the doctor recommended 2:1 ratio of CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM and in the correct pH balance necessary for optimum absorption. The vitamin C is what makes Instant CalMag-C’s pH balance perfect.